
Tuesday 22 November 2011

100 Most Popular Fonts of All Time

The Most Popular 100 fonts along with the designer & the year in which they were designed.

Bembo  1496 - Francesco Griffo
Garamond  1530 - Claude Garamond
Caslon  1725 - William Caslon
Baskerville  1754 - John Baskerville
Bodoni  1790 - Giambattista Bodoni
Didot  1799 - Firmin Didot
Walbaum  1800 - Justus Walbaum
Clarendon  1845 - Benjamin Fox
Copperplate Gothic  1901 - Frederic W. Goudy
Franklin Gothic  1903 - Morris Fuller Benton
News Gothic  1908 - Morris Fuller Benton
Souvenir  1914 - Morris Fuller Benton
Cooper Black  1920 - Oswald B. Cooper
Din  1926 - Ludwig Goller
Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch  1926 - Rudolf Koch
Futura  1927 - Paul Renner
Kabel  1927 - Rudolf Koch
Nobel  1929 - Sjoerd de Roos
Metro  1929 - W. A. Dwiggins
Gill Sans  1930 - Eric Gill
Bank Gothic 1930 - Morris Fuller Benton
Times  1931 - Stanley Morison
Rockwell  1934 - Frank H. Pierpont
Peignot  1937 - A. M. Cassandre
Bernhard Modern  1937 - Lucian Bernhard
Reporter  1938 - Carlos Winkow
Bell Gothic  1938 - Chauncey H. Griffith
Trade Gothic  1948 - Jackson Burke
Palatino  1950 - Hermann Zapf
Mistral  1953 - Roger Excoffon
Univers  1954 - Adrian Frutiger
Optima  1954 - Hermann Zapf
Letter Gothic  1956 - Roger Roberson
Helvetica  1957 - Max Miedinger
Eurostile 1962 - Aldo Novarese
Antique Olive  1962 - Roger Excoffon
Sabon  1964 - Jan Tschichold
OCR  1965 - American Type Founders
Akzidenz Grotesk  1966 - G nter Gerhard Lange
Syntax  1968 - Hans Eduard Meier
Avant Garde  1968 - Herb Lubalin
Frutiger 1977 - Adrian Frutiger
Bell Centennial 1978 - Matthew Carter
Trinit  1982 - Bram De Does
Formata  1984 - Bernd M llenst dt
Zapf Renaissance 1984 - Hermann Zapf
Lucida  1985 - Chris Holmes / Charles Bigelow
Matrix  1986 - Zuzana Licko
Swift  1987 - Gerald Unger
Stone  1987 - Summer Stone
Avenir  1988 - Adrian Frutiger
Rotis  1988 - Olt Aicher]
Proforma  1988 - Petr van Blokland
Today Sans  1988 - Volker K ster
Trajan 1989 - Carol Twombly
Benguiat  1989 - Ed Benguiat
Corporate ASE  1989 - Kurt Weidemann
Triplex  1989 - Zuzana Licko
Quay Sans  1990 - David Quay
Officina  1990 - Erik Spiekermann
Industria  1990 - Neville Brody
Caecilia  1990 - Peter Matthias Noordzij
Minion  1990 - Robert Slimbach
Meta  1991 - Erik Spiekermann
Trixie  1991 - Erik van Blokland
Hands  1991 - Letterror
Scala  1991 - Martin Majoor
Lexicon  1992 - Bram De Does
Quadraat  1992 - Fred Smeijers
Instant Types  1992 - Just van Rossum
Blur  1992 - Neville Brody
Legacy  1992 - Ronald Arnholm
Myriad  1992 - Twombly & Slimbach
Agenda  1993 - Greg Thompson
Kosmik  1993 - Letterror
Interstate  1993 - Tobias Frere-Jones
Thesis  1994 - Lucas de Groot
Dax  1995 - Hans Reichel
C zanne 1995 - Michael Want, James Grieshaber
House Gothic 23 1995 - Tal Leming
Base 1995 - Zuzana Licko
Info 1996 - Erik Spiekermann
Chalet  1996 - House Industries
Mrs Eaves  1996 - Zuzana Licko
Filosofia  1996 - Zuzana Licko
Fleishmann  1997 - Erhard Kaiser
Corpid  1997 - Lucas de Groot
Miller  1997 - Matthew Carter
Bickham Script  1997 - Richard Lipton
Arnhem  1998 - Fred Smeijers
Zapfino  1998 - Hermann Zapf
Dalliance  2000 - Frank Heine
Fago  2000 - Ole Schafer
Gotham  2000 - Tobias Frere-Jones
Neutraface  2002 - Christian Schwartz
Prokyon 2002 - Erhard Kaiser
Fedra  2002 - Peter Bil'ak
Amplitude  2003 - Christian Schwartz
Bello  2004 - Underware

Thursday 10 November 2011

Alien Skin's Blow Up 3 - A new Plugin for Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Lightroom

Raleigh, North carolina - Alien Skin software announced Blow Up 3, the new version of its photo enlargement plugin for Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, and Photoshop Lightroom. Blow Up enlarges photos while keeping them crystal clear, even at huge sizes. With a new simple user interface and support for Lightroom, Blow Up is easy to use in any workflow

Alien Skin's Blow Up 3 - examples

Friday 4 November 2011

Look at the wonderful things - Content Aware Fill can do for you.

In the previous post, I have explained about the miraculous new feature Content Aware Fill, an advanced image editing technique in Photoshop CS5.

In this post, look at the wonderful things Content Aware Fill can do for you.....

Photoshop CS5 New Features